Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Headache care is the most sought after fix as it is one of the most common pain people suffer from.
 Headaches worry almost everyone at some time or the other. Most headaches are useful, being caused by brief worry, and are not tell to any inherent coins in the brain. They are often type cautioning that quiting is wrong somewhere in the body. The actual pain, however, arises from inflammation to nerve ending in the shoulder, neck, and scalp strength, and also in the smooth strength encircling the blood boat which severe these areas
Causes of headache
Allergies, breed, eye breed
The common causes of headaches are allergy, passionate breed, eyebreed, high blood push, a hangover, disease, low blood sugar, foodal lack, strain, and the air of toxin and toxins in the body. Allergies are often the unsuspected cause of headpain. The foods to which some people are touchy to and which can agent headaches are milk and milk goods, chocolate, coward, liver, spirit and strong stop. Sneezing and diarrhoea are more signs of an allergy.
Headache cures and Treatment: home Treatment for headache
Normal headache cure with lemon: headache home Treatment
There are a number of normal fix for several types or headaches. The juice of three or four slices of lemon must be hug in a cup of tea and taken by the tolerant for treating this job. This grants close aid. The crust of lemon, which is mostly thrown away, has been found useful in headaches caused by heat. Lemon crusts should be smash into a fine paste in a mortar and lay as cast on the brow. Place the coward, lately pared-off rind of a lemon to each temple will also set aid.

 Cure headaches normally with apple: headache home Treatment
Apples are dear in curing all types of headaches. After sheding the upper rind and the inner hard part of a ripe apple, it must be taken with a little salt every sunrising on an empty desire in such cases. This should be restated for about a week.
Normal headache remedy with henna: headache home Treatment
The bloom of henna have been found pompous in curing headaches caused by hot sun. The bloom must be rubbed in sourness and then lay over the brow. This remedy will fast set aid. One of the good home fix for headache.
Headache remedy with cinnamon: headache home Treatment
Cinnamon is useful in headaches caused by location to cold air. A fine paste of this spice should be do by mixing it with water and it should be lay over the shrine and brow to get aid. One of the best home fix for headache.
Headache care with marjoram: headache home Treatment
The herb marjoram is useful in the care of a tense headache. An extraction of the leaves is taken as a tea in the caring of this disorder.
Headache care by rosemary: headache home Treatment
The herb rosemary has been found dear in headaches resulting from cold. A handful of rosemary should be boiled in a litre of water and put in a mug. The head should be encase with a towel and the steam inhaled for as long as the tolerant can bear. This should be stay till the headache is ease. One of the well liked home Treatment for headache.
Diet for headaches
Proper food, use, clear believing
The best way to avoid headaches is to build up bodily opposition inward proper food, bodily use and clear believing. As a first step, the tolerant should start a short fast, and take citrus fruit juices diluted with water every two hours from 8. 00 a. M. To 8. 00 p. M. Daily. Afterwards, he should plan his diet in such a way as to put the least possible stress on the digestion. Breakfast may consist of fresh and dried result. Lunch may consist of protein food. Rigid foods such as wholewheat bread, grain, rice, or potatoes must be taken at dinner along with raw greens. Flavoring, relish, sour buttermilk, and oily food must be evade. Drinking a glass of water (warm water in winter and cool water in summer), mixed with a teaspoon of honey first thing in the sunrising, is also a conceited drug. Abundant drinking of water inwardout the day is also recommended.
Other headache Treatment
Water care
Other useful step in the care of headaches are a washing enema with water fever at 37 degree c, a cold throat pack, usual request of towels wrung out from very hot water to the back of the neck, a cold bandage at 4. 4 degree c to the 15. 6 degree c lay to the head and face, or an trade spinal bandage. Hot incitement over the abdominal region just before shying ease headaches caused by desire and liver disturbance.
Hot foot bath
Hot foot baths are also useful in the care of lasting headaches. The tolerant should keep his legs in a tub or bucket filled with hot water at a fever of 40 degree c to 45 degree c for fifteen memo each night before shying. This care should be restated for two or three weeks.
Yogic kriyas jalneti and kunjal; pranayamas e. G. Anulomaviloma and sitkari; and asanas such as uttanpadasana, paschimottanasana, halasana, and shavasana are also useful in the care of headaches.

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